This class duration is 60minutes in length. This class is suitable to all including those who may have current limitations physically such as minor back problems or arthritis. Please consult your health care provider first if you have a health condition before commencing Yoga practice. This is an ongoing class and everyone can work to their own limitations physically and mentally. Physically the asana (Yoga postures) include loosing up the joints of the body which help to eliminate energy blockages in the joints and outer extremities of the physical body and also works on the pranic and mental bodies also. Asana Physical asana practice is usually 45 minutes long though we go to our own limits and it is quite fine if not all asana are completed. Rest is encouraged if students are feeling fatigued. Pranayama and Relaxation Simple Mantra chants, Mudras (hand gestures) and gentle Bandhas (energy locks) are practiced. You are also guided through relaxations such as Yoga Nidra. At least 20 minutes of the class is included for Pranayama and relaxation including relaxation at the beginning of the class. |
General Hatha classes are available at: | ||||
>Paddocks Community Centre | ||||
> Morella Community Centre | ||||
> Pooraka Farm Community Centre, Pooraka | ||||
> Salisbury East Neighbourhood Centre | ||||