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Beginner/General Integral Yoga

This class duration is 75minutes in length.

Beginners & General Hatha Yoga is for those who are new to Yoga or haven’t practiced for a while and possibly having current limitations physically such as minor back problems or arthritis.

This is an ongoing class and some people continue to stay in this class even after 1 year of practicing as they find they can work to their own limitations physically and mentally.

Physically the asana (Yoga postures) include loosing up the joints of the body which help to eliminate energy blockages in the joints and outer extremities of the physical body and also works on the pranic and mental bodies also.

A range of simple postures often starting with Surya Namaskar (Salute to the Sun) then working around the spine including strengthening, balancing, lengthening, twisting and backward and forward bends.

Physical asana practice is usually 45 minutes long though we go to our own limits and it is quite fine if not all asana are completed. Rest is encouraged if students are feeling fatigued.

Pranayama and Relaxation
Simple and effective breathing techniques such as diaphragmatic breathing and Nadi Shodana (alternate nostril breathing) and other basic breath dimensions are used.

Simple Mantra chants, Mudras (hand gestures) and gentle Bandhas (energy locks) are practiced.

You are also guided through relaxations such as Yoga Nidra.

At least 20 minutes of the class is included for Pranayama and relaxation including relaxation at the beginning of the class.

Intermediate Integral Yoga

This class duration is 75 minutes in length.

Intermediate Integral Yoga is for those people of reasonable fitness physically and mentally with at least one year on regular recent practice of Yoga.

Asana practice time is usually for 45 minutes and includes a series of asana (postures) working around the spine including Surya Namaskar, intermediate strengthening, balancing, lengthening, twists, backward and forward bends and inverted asana.

The asana help to clear physical, mental and emotional blocks as well as strengthen, tone and cleanse the body externally and internally.

Bandhas – the three bandhas are used in the class including Jalandhara bandha (throat lock), Mool a Bandha (perineum contraction), Uddiyana Bandha (abdominal contraction). Bandhas aim to lock the prana (energy) in particular areas and then ultimately flow in to Sushumma Nadi for spiritual awakening. They also help in physical strengthening, toning and cleansing of the physical body and internal organs

Pranayama and relaxation.
A range of pranayama and relaxation techniques for expanding the dimension of the breath include practices such as Naid Shodana, ujajji Breath, Mahatpranayama (full yogic breath). Mudras (Hand gestures), Mantra Chanting (audible sound repetition), tradak gazing (such as candle gazing) and much more.

Children's Yoga
Benefits of Children's Yoga

Yoga controls and soothes emotions, removing anxiety through stretching and breathing and enhances mental focus and physical performance.  As well as improved self-esteem, the relaxation benefits help children to sleep and rest.  Learning to breathe with awareness many help kids control their anger (releasing negativity and excess energy) and can give shy ones more confidence and self acceptance.  Yoga keeps the bones healthy, strong and aligned and the muscle around them supple.  In fact muscles are massaged in many of the postures.  Balancing poses enhance focus, equipoise, grace and concentration.  They awaken creativity and fine tune the mind.  Poses named after animals and geometric angles encourage imagination and play, combined with strength, fitness and discipline.  Weight is regulated and the “whole” child is treated mind, body, emotions and spirit.

Children's Yoga can provide:
  • Balance, stability and poise. These essential skills for sports exercise are cultivated through postures which ensure the correct alignment of the body.
  • Coordination and rhythm. As the child moves from posture to posture, these are developed.
  • Concentration, discipline and focus. These increase learning faculties, develop “attention without tension” and result in an alert, receptive and enquiring mind.
  • A healthy toned body. Plasticising yoga will help to achieve good posture, a straight spine, supple muscles, strong bones and healthy lungs with relaxed and free breathing.
  • Flexibility and strength.
  • Internal health
  • Confidence
  • Creativity and inspiration.  These qualities are stimulated through visualisations, stories and guided journeys.  The opportunity for self expression leads to empowerment which raises self-esteem.
  • Courage.
  • Mental Health, positivity and well being, including an awareness of the interconnectedness of all things, a reverence for life and the cultivation of non-violence by working with ones own energies and emotions.
  • Increased mental activity.  This results from engaging both mind and the body in endeavour.
  • Energy and zest for life.  Energy has a direct link with the structure of the spine which acts as an electricity channel to the brain.
  • Emotional and creative understanding.  Exploring self expression and practising with others will develop communication skills and respects for others’ ideas. 
  • Calmness and emotional stability.